Common Questions About Applying to Encavis

Our FAQ list is here to help you find the information you need quickly and effortlessly.

As long as an advertisement is online, we will accept applications for the advertised position.

If you are interested in several positions at the same time, there is no reason not to. Our tip: It should be clear in your CV why you see a match for several positions. If we believe that there is also a match for another position, we will proactively contact you. 

We review each application individually and carefully. Depending on the number of applicants for an advertised position, it may take a different amount of time for this process to be completed. Our aim is to give you feedback as quickly as possible. If you have any questions in the meantime, we will be happy to help you. 

We always endeavor to give you feedback on the status of your application as quickly as possible so that you know where you stand. If it takes a little longer due to internal processes, you will receive an interim response from us. 

Encavis will cover your travel costs if we invite you to a personal interview on site.

If we have an internship vacancy, it will be published with the other vacancies on our careers page. 

We attach great importance to an appreciative and relaxed atmosphere during our job interviews. We therefore do not use stressful questions. Depending on the role, we sometimes conduct a small business case, but you will be informed of this in advance. 

We conduct most of our interviews in German. If you feel much more comfortable in English and the position you are applying for does not require very good German, we can also conduct the interview in English. 

At Encavis, we have a business casual style and therefore recommend this for the interview as well. 

When you enter your details, we ask you to state your desired salary so that we can check whether it matches the budget we have estimated for the position. If you are invited to an interview, you can therefore assume that there is an approximate match. 

Encavis is growing, so the position may be made permanent over time. However, we cannot promise this. 

With pleasure. We often ask applicants whose profile we find interesting, but for whom there is currently no suitable position, whether they would like to be included in the pool. However, you are also welcome to provide the impetus.