We are an IPP listed on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange and a service provider for green electricity.

The name Encavis has become synonymous with success stories and outstanding expertise.

Wind and solar power as the common element

Encavis AG

Headquartered in Hamburg, Encavis AG is the parent company of the Encavis Group. As a leading independent electricity producer, we acquire and operate solar parks and wind farms across Europe.

Encavis Asset Management AG 

With headquarters in Neubiberg near Munich, Encavis Asset Management AG offers investment advice for renewable energy mandates and operates wind farms and solar parks on behalve of institutionl clients.

Stern Energy S.p.A.

Stern Energy, which is based in Parma, Italy, offers specialist technical services connected with the operation, upgrading/revamping and construction of PV systems. 

The management board of ­ Encavis AG

The management board of Encavis AG has two members. They are jointly responsible for managing the company’s business.

Dr. Christoph Husmann

CFO / Spokesman of the Management Board


Mario Schirru

CIO / COO / Spokesman of the Management Board


The supervisory board of ­ Encavis AG

Dr. Johannes Teyssen

Chairman of the Supervisory Board

Marco Fontana

Member of the Supervisory Board

Prof. Dr. Martin Viessmann

Member of the Supervisory Board

Prof. Dr. Fritz Vahrenholt

Member of the Supervisory Board

Boris Scukanec Hopinski

Member of the Supervisory Board

Tobias Krauss

Member of the Supervisory Board

The executive board of ­ Encavis Asset Management AG

Karsten Mieth

Management Board

Alexander Stütz

Management Board

The management board of ­ Stern Energy S.p.A.

Ernesto Magnani

Managing Director

Stefan Torri

Managing Director

Mario Schirru

Board Member


The Encavis renewable powerhouse was established in 2017 as the result of a merge between Capital Stage AG and CHORUS Clean Energy AG.

In November 2022, Encavis AG increased its holding in Stern Energy SpA to 80%.

Encavis AG was first listed on the STOXX Europe 600 index on 19 September 2022.

On 20 June 2022, Encavis AG once again rose to the ranks of the MDAX where it had previously been listed for nearly six months beginning 22 March 2021.

In August 2019, Encavis AG acquired 30% of Stern Energy SpA (Parma, Italy).

Capital Stage AG and CHORUS Clean Energy AG become Encavis. The name Encavis encapsulates the idea of starting out into a new future. Each syllable incorporates one of pillars on which we build:
‘EN’ stands for ‘energy’, which forms the basis for all our work.
‘CA’ is for ‘capital’, i.e. the funds we use to acquire our solar parks and wind farms and thus generate attractive returns.
‘VIS’ stands for ‘vision’ because we back the energy systems of the future and make renewable energy affordable.

CHORUS Clean Energy AG goes public. Shares are traded on the regulated market (Prime Standard) of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange.

Capital Stage AG was first listed on the SDAX on 24 March 2014.

Capital Stage AG was founded in 2001 when Futura Capitalis AG shares were transferred to HWAG Hanseatisches Wertpapierhandelshaus AG (first listed in 1998).

The CHORUS Group was founded in 1998. Since 2006 it has focused exclusively on investments in the renewable energy sector.

This might also be of interest

Solar energy

The sun is a vast, dependable, emission-free source of energy. Day after day, its rays are converted by our photovoltaic systems into green electricity.

Wind energy

People have been harvesting the power of the wind – an emissions-free source of energy – for thousands of years. Wind is another vast, dependable, emission-free source of energy. By harvesting its power, our wind farms pave the way for a future that’s free of carbon dioxide.

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